Submission Dates

(Due dates are calendar days which may include holidays)

Decision Dates

May (end of)

Spring Domestic Program 

May (end of)

International Application Program

September (end of)

International LOI Decision &

Invitation to Apply for Intl Application

November (end of)

Spring Domestic Program

January 01 - January 15

Spring Domestic Program 

May 01 - May 15

International Program LOI/Abstract Phase

June 01 - June 15

Fall Domestic Program

October 01 - October 31

International Application (by invitation only)

  • Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

    Organizations located within the U.S. and or the U.S. territories may apply if:

    1.  Tax - exempt 501 (c) (3) with public charity status

    2.  Catholic - listed in the P.J.  Kenedy Official Catholic Directory


    Organizations located outside of the U.S. and or the U.S. territories may apply if:

    1.  Non-profit, non governmental status equivalent to a public charity as found in the United States.

    2.  Catholic - as verified by Ordinary of the Diocese

  • Required Documents


    DOMESTIC PROGRAM (LOI's are not required for the  Domestic Programs)


    Organizations located in U.S. must include the following documents:

    1. Complete Financial Statement (upload to required documents on the online grant submission portal)

    2. Detailed Project Budget (upload to required documents on the online grant submission portal)

    3. Letter from the Ordinary or the letter of request that has been sent to the Ordinary (If The Letter from the Ordinary has not been received by the submission date then please upload a copy of your request for the letter. This can be uploaded to the "other documents". in step #2 on the portal)




    U.S.- Organizations located in U.S. and its territories, need only complete the online LOI form.


    Foreign - Organizations located outside of the U.S. must include the following documents translated and submitted in English only:


    1. Verification Form - from the ordinary of the Arch/Diocese

    2. Fiscal Agent Form

    3. Affidavit Form - from the organization applying, NOT from the fiscal agent

    4. NGO Status Documentation - from the organization applying, NOT from the fiscal agent


    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM Invited to apply for a full application.


    Organizations located in U.S. and its territories must include the following documents:


    1. Complete Financial Statement

    2. Detailed Project Budget

    3. Letter from the Ordinary


    Organizations located outside U.S. must include the following documents:


    1. Detailed Project Budget







  • Restrictions

    Construction/Renovation Projects costing over $200,000 are not eligible until these conditions are met:

    1. 50% of the total cost is in hand

    2. Signed construction contract is in existence

    3. Construction is underway 


    Additional Restrictions:

    1. Requests by and for individuals for any purpose are NOT accepted (including tuition, scholarships, fellowships or scholarly research)

    2. Endowment funds 

    3. Reduction of debt

    4. Anything completed, purchased or accomplished prior to our Board meetings

    5. Attempts to influence legislation or the outcome of any specific election

    6. All documents and all applications submissions must be in English. 



  • Where do I apply?


    NOTE: The application form is not accessible until the opening submission date.


    1. Once the submission period is open you may proceed to our online grant portal system at to register and apply.  

    2.  You may register for an account, on the online grant portal system at any time (not just the submission opening).  

    3.  If you are an existing applicant and have forgotten your password, go to the online portal and select "sign in" then select "forgot password. A link will be emailed to you to change your password. 


  • Example- International LOI (Letter of Intent) Questions

    This is an example (not the application) of LOI questions


  • Example - Domestic Application Questions


  • Who do I contact if I need additional assistance?

    You may email: 


  • 990-PF Tax Filings

Applications are only accepted during our open submission period and only through our Online Grant Portal System

Our International Grant Program Consists of two phases
The first phase is a Letter of Intent (LOI).  Phase one submission is in May and reviewed and decided upon in September.  Applicants are notified by email the end of September if they are invited to apply for the second phase. The second phase is an "invitation only" to apply in October.

Our Domestic Grant Programs Consists of a full application only (not an LOI).  We have two opportunities per year to apply Spring and Fall (see schedule below)